Deploying EKS cluster using AWS EKS Base from Mad Devs
Deploying EKS cluster using AWS EKS Base from Mad Devs via Terraform and Terragrunt
Prerequisites :
- Terraform v0.15.x
- Terragrunt v0.29.x
- helm 3
- kubectl
- aws cli & aws admin creds
What we will complete by the end of this exercise :
- Configure local Terraform and Terragrunt setup
- Deploy the AWS EKS cluster ** with VPC, OIDC provider
- Deploy HELM charts for Prometheus, Grafana, Loki
- Out of the box logging and metric collection functionality
Helpful video from Anton Babenko stream : Site with all streams :
Stream : AWS EKS and K8S with Terraform
What is being deployed into our EKS cluster
Approximate infrastructure cost :
~216.8 dollars
1) Clone the repo and switch to “terraform” folder :
git clone
2) Switch to terraform 0.15.1
tfenv install 0.15.1
tfenv use 0.15.1
Make sure you also have Terragrunt v0.29.x , cause this is the lowest supported version by Terraform 0.15
3) Setup your aws creds
$ aws configure --profile yourProfileName
AWS Access Key ID [None]: *****************
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: *********************
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
4) Export AWS profile variable , with value of profile name configured higher :
$ export AWS_PROFILE=yourProfileName
5) Set up the domain name , which means adding hosted zone to your AWS account > Route 53 service
Record for future use the following :
Domain name
Hosten zone ID
TIP : recommend to add a dummy A record with value undet the domain name (example : ), and try to perform nslookup against it , from your PC. This will make sure your domain name is provisioned and working.
The AWS ACM SSL certificate issueance used in the terraform module and some other parts, fully rely on the proper domain name configuration
If domain name configuration not properly done, you might have to wait for very long time, and then see an error.
So, I would recommend to spend some time on additional checks.
IF it goes well, you can proceed to step 4.
6) Use demo.tfvars.example vars ,as a reference your own file with variables called terraform.tfvars
cp terraform/layer1-aws/demo.tfvars.example terraform/layer1-aws/terraform.tfvars
7) Instuction of the eks base repo says you can remove the aws-sm-secrets file.
Per my deployment attempt, that resulted in errors. Please keep it and don’t remove it
So, what I did was , going with option 2 of creating an empty AWS Secret Manager secret with following naming convention :
In the root of layer2-k8s is the where several local variables expect AWS Secrets Manager secret with the pattern /${}-${local.environment}/infra/layer2-k8s
I’ve inserted the dummay content :
"kibana_gitlab_client_id": "YYYYYYY",
"kibana_gitlab_client_secret": "YYYYYYY",
"kibana_gitlab_group": "YYYYYYY",
"grafana_gitlab_client_id": "YYYYYYY",
"grafana_gitlab_client_secret": "YYYYYYY",
"gitlab_registration_token": "YYYYYYY",
"grafana_gitlab_group": "YYYYYYY",
"alertmanager_slack_url": "YYYYYYY",
"alertmanager_slack_channel": "YYYYYYY"
6) Edit the terraform.tfvars file and set following variables:
File : terraform/layer1-aws/terraform.tfvars
create_acm_certificate = true
zone_id = "Z07XXXXXXXXXXXx"
create_acm_certificate - stands for creating a SSL cert , which gonna be set on Load Balancer and mapped back to the Domain name.
zone_id - is the Hosted Zone ID , configurd in step 5
7) Set a remote state AWS S3 bucket name variable
export TF_REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET=eks-base-demo-test
TF_REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET should be set to the desired S3 Bucket Name. Bare in mind,the names of S3 buckets are unique accross all AWS Customers.
8) Initialise the Terraform modules and state
Which will download all the needed Terraform modules, configured and try to create a remote state S3 bucket and save the state in there
Switch to terraform folder, so 2 layers are inside of it.
terragrunt run-all init
9) Perform a Plan , is succesful try to perform an APPLY
terragrunt run-all plan
terragrunt run-all apply
10) To set the kubectl context, use the aws eks update-kubeconfig , shown in the outputs of the apply
Example :
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name eks-base-demo-use1 --region us-east-1
11) If you want to access Grafana, retrieve the initial user password :
Getting Creds to Grafana “admin” user :
kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
12) Once finished with testing, if you want to destroy the stack , perform the following command :
terragrant run-all destroy